Lead Driving School offers the best driving lessons cost in the area. Our driving lessons price per hour are one of the lowest you can find in Hills Shire, Blacktown and Richmond area. Please check below how you can save more by choosing one of our package.
Pay As You Go
Single one hour driving lesson $65
Single one and half hours driving lesson $95
Single two hours driving lesson $130
Pick up and drop to required destination
Silver Package
10 lessons – $600 (normal $650)
Cost per lesson $60 (normal $65)
Save $5 per lesson or $50 on complete package.
Pick up and drop to required destination
Night lessons and test preparation
$75 per hour (After dark)
Test preparation on test routes 2 hours $130
Test Package
Practice for driving test routes
$200 for Richmond and Blacktown
$210 St Mary’s, Castle Hill
Includes one hour one on prior driving lesson
Driving test car hire
Pick up and drop to required destination
All Packages Include
One on Driving Lesson with Certified Trainer
Latest Automatic car
Lessons can be connected to each other
Pick up and drop to required destination